Q: Why is the bot not allowing me to edit the embed? A: You may have entered an incorrect variable when editing, use /embed reset to reset the embed.

Q: The bot keeps telling me it's missing permissions? A: Make sure the both the bot's ROLE and bot MEMBER have send messages, embed links, and view channel to the notification channel

Q: How do I disable notifications? A: /settings notifications

Q: The bot isn't adding roles to members? A: Make sure the bot's ROLE and bot MEMBER permission settings have send messages, embed links, and view channel to the notification channel

Q: The bot isn't adding roles to members? A: Make sure the bot's ROLE and bot MEMBER permission settings have send messages, embed links, and view channel to the notification channel

Q: The bot isn't working? A: Make sure you run /setup

Q: The notifications aren't sending? A: There is a 5 minute cooldown system in place to prevent spam. Roles are still added/removed.

Q: How do I remove something from the embed or make it blank? A: Just pass none into the field.

Last updated